Saturday, February 28, 2009

Saturday Fun!

I love Saturdays. It is my one day to sleep in, to like 7:30, and wear sweatpants all day if I want. I am able to do my laundry, and putter around the house. I was able to work on a huge pile of mail that had stacked up in the office/craft room. Plus I was able to attend to a couple of details in the room so that it organized it a bit more. I have a couple of stitched pieces to hang yet and DH has two boxes to finish going through, of what is mostly clutter we think. But it is really pretty much done. It is kind of serene in there now. In fact, I was able to work quietly while Liesie napped in the reading chair. She was quite content wrapped up in a big comfy afghan. I am so glad to have a special room again for crafting, reading, and working.

We finally made it over to our local city library today to get our new library cards. Hubby is quite happy that they have audiobook downloads available. He always has a book loaded on his Ipod that he listens to in the car so he is happy dancing that he has a new source. We walked a few blocks downtown back to the car, and took note of flowering plants that grow really well here. The are some beautiful window boxes all around the city streets here that serve as a great inspiration.

Our neighbors have told us that this front yard was notorious for being such a beautiful garden. It was the pride of the elderly gentlemen who owned the home, but who has since passed. The renters before us turned off the irrigation system, and never watered, so the garden died. It really is a pity. (Many of the rentals in this area actually have gardening service built into the lease so this does not happen.) So DH and I are committed to rebuilding it. Many of the plants are salvageable, like huge rhododendron bushes, camillas, and ferns. They just need to have the dead stuff cut back. We would like to add geraniums, lobelia, allysum, nasturtium and perhaps some tiny flowering plants that would vine outwards not upwards to fill in between the river rocks. For less than $25 in seeds we could fill in some of the holes where other plants died. It is a fun project since we both love to garden. It will probably take a couple of years for the plants to grow together without all of the gaps. Luckily, our winters are pretty mild.

I am getting ready to sit down and stitch. It is a quiet evening here and the rain is getting ready to start up. It is a really nice evening to stitch. I will probably post a picture tomorrow of my progress, although it is not going as fast as I had hoped.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

A Rough Day...

You know those days where it is raining and you just can't get out of bed? Then you get dressed, you are looking adorable in a pretty green cashmere sweater that you have not been able to get into in years and your hair looks cute. Then you take a bite of toast and butter drips right down the front of said green sweater. You then look at the clock and see that you should leave now but no, you have to figure out what to change into.

Look at the clock again, you are ten minutes late getting out the door, sigh. Somehow, without even speeding you walk into your office right on time. You then take a big accounting error into your boss, only to find the error was yours and you picked up the number from the paper whose staple had become one with the prior page's staple therefore looking like one document. Unfortunately, your boss is the one that points this out to you. Fortunately, this boss is sent from Heaven, looks at you and says, "Hey, I've done that one, too."

The day continues on in an unpleasant manner and you find yourself counting the minutes until lunch. Just as you are picking up your purse to leave, the critical business call that you have been waiting for all morning comes. It takes 45 minutes. The day does not get better. The saving grace is that the dog acts like the best thing that has happened all day was your walking through the door.

It has been a long day. On days like this I know not to stitch for I will be ripping out my work for days. I have often said that I love looking at other stitchers work as much a I love stitching myself. So I have looked at blogs this evening. I look at all of the updated blogs on my blog roll every day. It really helps to keep me motivated to see other's beautiful work. I love your photographs of your work, your families and pets. I love to see the creativity of other people's blogs. There is something so comforting about visiting them and I feel like I am checking in with friends.

Tomorrow will be better. I will get to stitch. I may even stay up late and do a marathon stitch. I just got my Girl Scout cookie order. A cup of tea, a blanket and small, cute dog next to me. Sounds like a dream evening.

Hope everyone has a great day tomorrow.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Ash Wednesday

I had a perfectly lovely lunchbreak today. It was a lovely day, sunny and a comfortable temperature. I had fallen behind in my Prairie Home Companion podcasts, so I strapped on the Ipod, propped up my stitchy bag against the steering wheel in my car, and stitched away. I got to work a bit on the skirt today. I love those big blocks of color. I felt like I got quite a bit done. I felt really relaxed at the end of the hour and ready to face the afternoon.

I am going to settle into my stitching in a few minutes here. We just returned from Ash Wednesday services, which were very nice, though very solemn. There is something very peaceful about the service.

I am hoping to get most of the white in the skirt done by the end of the week. I find that I am able to keep my stitching mojo when I set small goals. If I can finish that then I can start moving to the green and the area of my, er, um, error...

One last note: I am using the loop method for the first time on the Lady. I can not believe how much neater the back looks! There are only half of the little tails so it does not have all of those little ends hanging out there. What a cool thing!

Monday, February 23, 2009

Fun Day Off!

I had a totally lovely and peaceful day today. I started by sleeping in until 7:30. It was quite lovely. DH brought me a cup of coffee whilst I contemplating the whole getting up thing. It was rainy and chilly and I was not feeling it for getting up until after 8. Into a really hot shower then back into my jammies. It was too chilly to dress in clothes. Since it was cold and yucky, I climbed right back into bed and under the covers with my coffee and laptop. Liesie thought this was an absolutely fabulous idea and decided that she should also be under the blankets.

I played around on the computer, read and watched some morning television. Then the time came where I could not avoid the craft room project any longer. I tied a safety line around my waist, grabbed my cell phonem in case I needed to call for help,put on my coal miner head lamp and went into the belly of the beast. All in all, it was not a horrible task, it took about 4 hours. I unpacked the last of the boxes and I am proud to report that the floor and desk do indeed have a surface. I still have a few papers to go through but it is in a neat pile. Yay! I am looking forward to working in there later this week. Whoohoo!

My DD came over tonight and brought our favorite sushi. DH was at a band rehearsal so it was just us girls. We like this sushi that has deep fried soft shell crab in it and they decorate it with crab legs coming out of a couple of the pieces. It is so absolutely delicious! We had a couple of other kinds that were equally delicious. It was such a great treat.

We worked on the sewing machine for a little while. DD is a quick study so we finished pretty quicky. So DD got to knit for a while and I worked on the Lady. I did not get to finish my graphing so I have not located my error yet, so I worked on the side that is graphed enough where I know there is not an error. I am working on the skirt now, which is back to the big blocks of color, so no confetti stitching, thank goodness.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Stitchy Marathon Today!

Well, 'twas a rainy and windy day today. We were up a bit late playing Scattergories last night. I have not played that game in years. We had so much fun. Dinner was delicious. DH and I refused to weigh ourselves today. LOL It was so nice having everyone together and we just had such a nice time. It is my favorite way to spend a special time like a holiday or birthday.

We had a very quiet day at home, which was quite relaxing. Liesie just dozed on the sofa all day in her blankies. I stitched all afternoon and watched the race, which was quite boring. I got so much done and was speeding along quite quickly until I realized that somewhere in all of the confetti stitching, that I have a mistake. It would have taken forever to find, but I remembered a hint that someone on the 123 stitch board had given as advice. I got out white sewing thread and started making running stitches in order to form a graph on the fabric. I still have a ways to go but I think I am getting closer to isolating the error. I am hopeful that it is not something that is drastic and that I can just stitch around it. The graphing idea is quite smart and I think having the graph may help me to avoid future errors as I will be able to have a better reference point for my stitches.

I will get to putter around tomorrow. I work for a rare company that believes that no one should have to work on their birthday, so I have it off. It is supposed to rain for the next 4 days so it will be nice to be home with Liesie for one of those days. I am going to putter in the craft room and stitch the afternoon away with a cup of tea. My DD is coming over with our favorite sushi for dinner and we are going to play with her sewing machine. So I need to think about our sewing plan. It should be super fun.

Hope everyone has a terrific week!

Saturday, February 21, 2009


It has been an interesting day. We had a funeral to attend for a lady at church this morning. It was a beautiful service and almost two hundred people attended. We should all be so fortunate to have so many friends. It is the reward of living a truly loving life.

It is not lost on me that we are honoring death and celebrating birth today. It gives me a lot to ponder.

My hubby has been making my birthday lasagna all afternoon. I cleaned the house then sat down with my laptop. I went looking for a freebie pattern on a designer's blog and then saw that the blog had a totally cute background. I clicked on the link to the background provider and got all motivated to change the background on my blog because they had such adorable items. Well, one thing leads to another which led to a new template, resizing of photos, next thing you know, the afternoon is gone.

The kids will be here in about an hour. All of the cooking smells are making me crazy with hunger. I am starting to get really excited. I love family dinners because we laugh alot and play board games. It is too much fun. Liesie loves the house being full of people, too! When we all go to hug goodbye she gets up on her hind legs with each person and has to be hugged. She's people. LOL

I had thought that I was going to stitch, but with my little blog project time got away. I will get to stitch tomorrow afternoon during the race. Whoohoo! Hopefully, we will have a little leftover lasagna. We have our Mardi Gras celebration brunch at church tomorrow complete with Dixieland band. I am looking forward to all of the fun and yummy food.

Friday, February 20, 2009


Well, today was a great day. I got my work done and my office cleaned so I was feeling pretty productive. The best two parts of the day though was that we had a nice lunch today. The two of us birthday girls in the office got taken out to lunch. Both of us love Mexican food so it was a nice treat. In the afternoon they had a wonderful, homemade birthday cake for us that was quite lovely. It made me feel pretty special. I love going to my job everyday but today was really special.

Although my birthday is not until Monday, tomorrow is my family dinner/birthday party. It is my favorite dinner of the year. My kiddoes come over. DH makes my very favorite dinner, homemade lasagna with homemade pasta. It is so good, but so labor intensive that I only ask for it once a year. DH also always makes my birthday cake from scratch. This year I asked for chocolate. (Past years have included Black Forest Cake and German Chocolate!)

DH spent this evening baking so I sat in the living room and stitched. (I offered to help DH but I was shooed out of the kitchen.) It was nice to work on the Lady. I found an error in my stitching but it was only a small one. I feel a little frustrated due to all of the confetti stitching. It makes for slow going and because all of the stitches are spread out, I do not get a sense of having gotten alot done. I am wondering if I should return to my hardanger project so that I can take a little break from this project. I shall have to mull that over...

In any case, I am looking forward to the weekend, and to being able to get somethings done around the house. Of course, the craft room beckons me to work on it, but since it is the only room left, it should not be too bad of a project. It just seems really unorganized right now. Wish me luck as I psych myself up to go in there. LOL

Thursday, February 19, 2009

One Spoiled Doggie!

My Liesie loves to be tucked in. Every night between 7:15 and 7:30 she gets up on the sofa next to me and lays down on her blankie, waiting to be wrapped up, burrito style. Here she is an hour into her slumber. When it is time to bed for the night she either climbs under our covers or goes to her own bed, where she waits for me to tuck her in with her pink blankie. She will not lay her head down until she is sufficiently tucked in.

I still believe that spoiled though she is, that I get far more out of the deal.

Anyway, it was a great day. I got a little bit of stitching done in my car at lunch. It was a lovely sunny day, a break between last weekend's rainstorm and this weekend's storms. I got quite a few stitches put in. It is quite nice to stitch at lunch. It is very peaceful. It distracts me from accounting so I go back refreshed in the afternoon. I was able to get some of the red roses next to the lady done, which finally breaks up all that green a bit. I still feel a bit anxious about starting the border, but am thinking I would like to forge ahead as much as possible this weekend and then start the border next week.

I am planning on working on the craft room this weekend. My baby girl is coming over on Monday to learn how to use her sewing machine, so I really want to be in there with a clear floor and desk. Think good thoughts for me...I am thinking the best way to learn how to sew is by learning a simple quilt block. I shall have to page through my quilting books to see if there is an easy project. I am excited about and think it will be really fun!

Monday, February 16, 2009

Happy President's Day

I finally got to sit and stitch today! It poured and poured today. So much so that they had to cancel the last round of the Pro-Am at Pebble Beach today. I was looking at my neighbor's rain gauge earlier and it appears that we have acquired a little over 4 inches in the last few days. This is good because California really needs it, badly! We had really warm temperatures all through January (70's-80's) when it is usually raining and cold. So we welcome the rain. I am glad that it occurred when we were home for the weekend so I did not have to drive in it.

We did get a lot done in the house today. There is only one room to finish left. (I think you can probably guess which one...) Anyway, Whoohoo! Everything looks so nice and cozy. We are both so pleased with how it had turned out.

It was really nice to stitch tonight and listen to the rain falling on the roof. I worked on the Lady of the Thread. I have been working in the shades of green and am starting to feel like I need to play with another color for a while. I am thinking that I would like to start working on the fruit border to kind of break it up a bit, but want to work so that I have another reference point to make sure I counted my stitches correctly, so that it all meets up correctly. Otherwise I start the flashbacks...

When I was 18, I worked my very first piece of counted cross stitch. I had bought it on accident at JC Penney, thinking it was stamped cross stitch. Being frugal, and since the package was opened, I proceeded with the piece. It was a Della Robbia wreath. (Obviously, fruit wreaths are a running theme with me. LOL) I worked on that piece for months. When it came time for the two sides to meet, I had been off in my count so it did not match up right. I then had my first experience with hunting for a mistake and ripping out my work. Ultimately, I was able to fix it, but I get a twitch just thinking about it.

I am not sure what happened to the piece, but to this day I shudder to think of what the back looked like. LOL

I guess I will stitch the Lady a bit more so that I can feel confident with the count. I think I have scared myself with that memory that I will be having nightmares tonight.

Have a super week!

Sunday, February 15, 2009


I finally got around to taking a new picture of my progress on Lady of the Thread. I have not had an opportunity to work on it so far this weekend. We have been busy working on the last of the unpacking and organizing so I have been busy or tired. The house does look nice and cozy so it has been worth all of the effort. You are probably noticing that I have not mentioned my craft room though...

Okay, good time to change the subject, LOL... We did go to our play last night. It was High School Musical. The cast was really good and did a wonderful job. It totally exceeded our expectations and was just a lot of fun. We had a really wonderful time and were still can not believe the high caliber of the talent that was available for our local community theater. They were so professional and talented. DH and I said that we will definitely have to go to their next offering.

DH and I are not really into exchanging gifts for Valentine's Day. We do little things for each other throughout the year, so generally we exchange cards and eat a nice dinner at home on the 14th. (DH made roast chicken, Yum!) I was able to find a Valentine from the dog at Target so Liesie was able to give her daddy a Valentine, too. DH and I both really love chocolate, so we generally have an unspoken agreement about not bringing large Valentine selection boxes into the house at Valentines. It is too much temptation. Since moving, both of us have lost over 10 pounds each. We are proud and happy to be fitting into our clothes. We have been careful with our diets. However, today temptation was thrown into our path...

After church today, we stopped by the grocery store to pick up some tomato soup for lunch. At the front of the store, they had all of their Valentine chocolates at 50% off. We were doing so well, passing up Hersheys, Reese's, Russel Stover...But alas, then the two words for which neither of us has any resistance, showed up in a beautiful red heart box. Those two words were Whitman Sampler. We were weak. Whitman Sampler chocolates at 50% off. They bring back so many memories and are so yummy. We just did not even have a chance with our willpower. Of course, it had to come home with us. We have only had one piece each though, so we are doing well. Why, oh why, do they have to be so delicious?!
I have tomorrow off so I am hoping that I can get some stitching done then. I still have puttering to do and the craft room remains in a state of disrepair, but I really need to spend some time with the needle and thread for my sanity so I will have to carve out some time to stitch.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Made It To The Weekend

Oh my goodness, the weekend is finally here. I got home, changed clothes, ran errands and had Greek food with hubby. There is a great place here that is really inexpensive and the food is terrific. On the way home we stopped at Trader Joe's so that we would have treats for the weekend. We always find something new and interesting at TJ's. Tonight we found a sundried tomato pesto that I am sure is delicious over pasta for a quick dinner. Then we found little appetizers that are brie with raspberries in phyllo. There outta be a law. LOL

I had big ol' plans of stitching tonight. I am afraid that I was already tired before running errands. Combine that with running around and I am totally fried. I am barely keeping my eyes open.

DH and I are really looking forward to puttering around the house tomorrow. We are looking forward to sleeping in until at least 7, which is about the dog's limit. I am hoping to get in a little stitching in the afternoon before I have to get all gussied up for our date. I really have to get a gift stitched for a friend, so if I can get the craft room set up in the morning, then I will be able to find my supplies and get it started in the afternoon.

Hope everyone has a great weekend!

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Whoohoo! Three day weekend!

I am so looking forward to this weekend. The move and all of the activity/anxiety over the past few months have caught up with me and I am afraid that I am feeling a bit exhausted. We are looking forward to puttering around the house this weekend and getting some much needed rest. Tomorrow evening after work we are going to run our errands so that we can just relax this weekend. Plus we are going to have Greek food. Yum! Then I am coming home and stitching until the wee hours of at least 9:30 pm. LOL I really want to finish up the confetti stitches this weekend so that I can move on with the larger blocks of color.

Saturday is Valentine's Day and we have a date! My hubby is taking me to a local play. We used to go all the time but we had a terrible year last year and forgot to do things like go on dates. The show should be fun. I think it will be super fun. I may have to wear girl clothes and lipstick.

Our plan around the house is to get all of the last bit of organizing done. DH is going to hang a chandelier and hopefully some curtains. I am going to finish that craft room. I really want to go in and play with all of my toys. I have not seen alot of my stash for over a month. It is supposed to rain for the next 10 days so it is a good weekend to cozy down.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

'Tis raining again...

Well, we know here on the Monterey Peninsula that if the AT&T Pro Am is being played in Pebble Beach, that rain is most certainly guaranteed. It has been pouring since early evening, and we have over a week more in store. Our state really needs the rain, so this is not a bad thing. It also makes for a cozy evening for stitching.

I was able to get about an hour's worth of stitching in. I am still working on all of that confetti stitching. This is no bueno for me as it is lacking in fun and continuity. I spend a lot of time reviewing the pattern. This may get put to the side for a while as I am getting a bit bored with it. Plus I have a couple of gifts that I have to get started on.

In addition to my stitching, I was able to get a little arranging done in the office/craft room. I got a couple of things organized, which made me feel good. I am taking baby steps in the direction of getting it completed. It will be a glorious day when I can go in there and cut quilt pieces. In the meantime, I was able to clear the chair enough for Liesie to stay in there with me. She snuggled up in an afghan while I worked. She is such a great companion.

On a final note, we were so delighted to see that a Giant Schnauzer won the working group at Westminster last night. It was such a beautiful creature. Schnauzers come in three sizes, miniature (up to 20 lbs) standard (up to 35 lbs) and Giant. Generally we have seen these dogs overlooked in the judging process, (it must be really, really hard to be a judge!) We were delighted this time when the mini came in fourth in the terrier class and the giant won the working class. We happened to acquire our mini schnauzer by chance, and now I can not imagine my life without one. It is something I hear alot from other mini schnauzer parents. These are such intelligent and human-like dogs. They have a real sense of humor and are fiercely loyal and devoted to their people. So our hats are off to the giant who made all of us schnauzer mommies and daddies proud!

Monday, February 9, 2009

Introducing Sarah!

A big thank you to Carolyn who suggested I look for Sarah Ginghers online. I found them on ebay for far less than retail. They were $19, which included shipping. I could not believe it at first. They are just so pretty. I am making them a little birthday present to myself. I love the fact that they are green with pink and blue flowers on them. There is something very nostalgic about them that makes me feel happy.

I had to go up to the Bay Area again for training. That meant that I had to leave by 6:15 this morning in order to make the 8:30 class. It was the last training that I need to attend up there. The getting up at 5 am took it's toll today. (I usually get up at 5:30 so you would think it would not be such a big deal.)

I came home today with the best of intentions to work on the home office/craft room which still lies in a state of chaos from the move. Alas, after 4 hours total on the road and all of those hours in the class, I was a bit wimpy and tired. I feel disappointed because I really want to get it organized. I loved my old craft room and just being surrounded by our beloved books, and my creative tools, so I am looking forward to being in this room. I think I mentioned in a prior post that my desk is actually a dining table that my husband crafted several years ago and it is one of my prized treasures. It is the perfect length and height for working on projects. Unfortunately, it has piles on it as I sort through boxes. I miss sitting at it and working on a craft project.

Well, I think I am going to read my book and go to sleep early. Perhaps I will be able to attack that craft room tomorrow...

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Knitting prezzies!

When my sweet DD came over the other night for an evening of yummy food and stitching, she brought me a present! Last time she was over I mentioned that I may want a hat because my head gets cold on the morning walks with Liesie. She knitted up the lovely green cable knit hat on the left. It is so soft and so lovely! I am thinking that it will make it's maiden voyage on tomorrow's walk. I would have worn it sooner but it has been pouring so hard here that I have skipped a couple of days of walking so that I do not go to work soaking wet.

The lovely red socks are one of the pairs that she knitted me for Christmas. They are so super duper soft and pretty. I only wear them in bed so that I do not mess up the bottoms. She assures me that they are washable, but I still think if them as my special bedtime socks. I can't even think straight when my feet are cold, so having warm, pretty, hand-knitted socks are a really special treat.
My DD is so awesome and talented!

One last note: A big welcome back to NASCAR! I had been looking forward to the return of the season for the last month. In my office, we have a Junior fan, a Jeff Gordon fan, and me, a Tony Stewart fan. It is pretty fun to talk about the races with the other ladies. Our Junior fan actually goes to the races a couple times a year, & knows all of the stats and stories. For Christmas she gave me a lug nut from Tony's car. She also prints out pictures of our drivers to hang on our doors. I am really lucky because 1) I have a job 2) I work with extraordinary people who make it so much fun to go to work.

I am so blessed many times over!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Fabulous February!

I forgot to wish everyone a happy February! February is my favorite month. Not only is there Valentine's Day, there is President's Day (a day off, whoohoo!) and my birthday. I have always thought of Valentine's Day as the gateway to my birthday on the 23rd. (I share a birthday with one of the greatest composers ever, G.F. Handel.)

I love the festive attitude on February. Everywhere you go there are heart decorations which are so bright and cheerful. I sort of miss getting lots of Valentines like we did as kids in school. There was a lot of fun and excitement in opening those little paper envelopes. You knew you were liked if you got a Mickey Mouse Valentine rather than a Pluto or Goofy one. I think the Valentine hierarchy was Mickey, Donald Duck, Minnie, Daisy Duck, Pluto, then Goofy. LOL

Several years ago I had a friend who had a great idea. She said that she had so much pressure on her at Christmas that she did not send Christmas cards. Instead, she sent Valentines. She said that people really appreciate getting a Valentine, plus they have time and energy to savor it. I have often thought this was a super idea and would love to be able to do the same. Perhaps I will go to Target or Hallmark this weekend and see what they have in those packs of 8 cards.

It has been a busy week, but I have managed to get a few stitches into my piece. I have the roses done on the top of the mirror and am now adding the greenery. The confetti stitching is a little aggravating, but there are plenty of places where there are large blocks of color so if I get really, really bored...All in all, I suppose it is going quickly but it is hard to tell when the colors are all spread out. I am thinking of putting her in an oval frame when I am done...

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Is It Me Or Did The Weekend Fly By?!!!!

Oh my goodness! Holy Moley! I swear time was at hyper speed this weekend. Yesterday, DH cleared out the last of the plants and stuff from the old house, went to the dump, did the walk through with the landlord, and handed over the keys. It is nice to be totally focused on the new house although we are still trying to find room for our stuff. I stayed at home, did seven loads of laundry, cleared out one room and started on a couple of others. Then I had to work at a volunteer event last night and did not get home until eleven, way past my bedtime. Up early for church this morning where I was the assistant minister today. DH took me to lunch for prawns and chips (yum!) at a place we have not been to in a long time that is in our new town. It is next to the grocery store, and DH was wise in not letting us grocery shop on empty stomachs. LOL He puttered most this afternoon, while Liesl and I took a nice nap. Now we are both too full and sleepy to eat dinner.

I am getting ready to pull out my stitching, finally. I am hoping I can stay awake long enough to get some stitches put in. I got a lot done in my car at lunchtime the other day, mostly the lovely pink roses over the mirror. I am hoping to get a lot of the greenery in tonight. Liesie is already tucked into her blankie, and DH is looking like he is getting ready to doze off, so I have a feeling it is going to be really quiet around here.

I am really looking forward to tomorrow night. DH has band, and DD is coming over for crockpot dinner. She will bring over her knitting and momma will get to stitch. We now live 10 minutes away from her and her DH, instead of 30-40 minutes. This makes me really happy. It makes me feel better about her driving home, and we are able to hang out a little later. She has only been knitting less than a year, and does absolutely beautiful work. She makes a lot of beautiful things, really quickly. I am looking forward to seeing what she is working on.

Have a great week!