Friday, July 4, 2014

Happy 4th of July!

Well, it has been a very nice, quiet day around the cozy cottage.  The day started out foggy and a bit chilly.  We actually had to put the heat on for a while.  Mark Twain once said, "The coldest winter I ever spent was a summer in San Francisco."  We are about 100 miles south of San Francisco on the California Coast and it does get darn cold during the summer here.  Brrrr.  Locals refer to it as "June Gloom."
It was a good thing that we decided on a quiet day at home today.  Fireworks are legal where we live and a certain small dog does not like it.  Liesl tolerates about five minutes and then decides that she has had enough.  She is usually a brave little toaster, so it breaks my heart when she looks scared.  So we figure she will snuggle between us while we watch some movies this evening.  We agreed that since fireworks are not limited to the evening, we should stay in and help her to feel as safe as possible today. 
It has been such a great day, particularly to stay inside.  I got to read my Philippa Gregory book, stitch and take a really good nap.  I even got to do a little homework for my class.  My honey did a little online retail therapy, read and snoozed a little.  We had a nice barbecued lunch and a leisurely cup of coffee.  More barbecue for dinner with champagne!  With weekend errands, chores, etc., we rarely get to do this, so it was a treat to have the extra day off this week.  We were just saying at dinner that it was nice to have a bonus day.
I am especially grateful today for all of the amazing blessings in my life.  I am also grateful for those who put everything, including their lives, on the line for what we hold so dear in our very young country.  
So I am off to cuddle a small dog, who needs her momma.  The noise is a bit loud and she is a bit scared.   I have her favorite blanket handy and we will make sure she knows we will keep her safe and protected this evening, while being cozy ourselves.  We are truly blessed and thankful for it.