Saturday, June 20, 2015

Life Is Good!

It has been a busy week.  I had a really good business trip to Portland this week.  As always, the best part of any trip is always coming home.  I was so happy to see my sweet little Liesl and my sweet baboo.  Liesl's daddy takes such good care of her while I am gone.  It makes me feel better to know she is in such good hands.
Portland is a beautiful city.  The view of Mt. Hood is particularly breathtaking. While I was there I tried the strawberries.  My Oregon colleagues told me that they are very proud of Oregon strawberries.  They are red all of the way through and quite delicious. 
I am like a little kid on airplanes and always choose a window seat whenever possible.  I had not ever flown north, and I was stunned at the beauty of the Sierra Nevada mountains from the plane.  All of the sudden in the midst of all of the gorgeous mountains a huge mountain would stand way above the rest like Mount Shasta, or a magnificent body of water like Crater Lake would appear.  I felt so grateful to be able to see such a beautiful site. 
The most beautiful sight of all was a little bearded face (Liesl) and a larger bearded face (Bill) greeting me at the front door.  Today we all got a little extra sleep, then went for a walk in the park.  Liesl loves the park and was acting like a toddler when it was time to go.  She was trying to think of anything to prolong the walk back to the car.  She was walking as slowly as she could manage.  It was silly.  But she went down for a nap as soon as we got back home. 
Had a great evening.  Had date night with my honey.  We had a super delicious dinner and got to talk about deep things.  Bill is the smartest person I have ever met, so he is fascinating to talk with.  We got to talk about a number of interesting topics, including books, which we both love.  It is amazing how such a wonderful day helps to make one's soul feel centered.
I am hopeful that I will get to stitch in the next day.  I took today to live in the moment and enjoy time with my little family.  So tomorrow I have so work to catch up on.  And of course, we must celebrate Puppy Daddy Day!  Liesl has her present ready to present to her daddy.  I am sure she will share a few kissies with her daddy, too.
Hope you enjoy the rest of your weekend!

Sunday, June 7, 2015

Stitchy Update

Well, I am nearly coming to the end of my Autumn Quaker (by Rosewood Manor).  I stitched a lot this weekend.  Last week I had that icky flu that is going around.  On Friday I could barely talk on the phone, so I ran over to Doctors on Duty.  My diagnosis was bronchitis and a sinus infection.  Hence, I logged much sofa time this weekend and stitched away.  I had big plans for cleaning my office/craft room this weekend, but I guess it will have to wait.
Today I was somewhat able to move freely about the cabin.  Liesl was looking like a total ragamuffin, so I gave her a quick trim and a much needed bath.  I trim Liesl according to her patience level.  She does not get a full styling all at once.  So today, I just got to use the clippers to get some of the hair off her back, head and chest.  I also trimmed her bangs.  Then it was bath time.  We have had a plethora of gophers in the yard, so she has been sticking her head down gopher holes.  That beard was filthy.  She seemed a little grateful for the bath afterwards, but she will never admit it. 
It is hard to believe it is June already.  While every other part of the country is warm or hot during the summer, here on the Monterey Peninsula it is cold and foggy.  It is what the locals refer to as "June Gloom."  While the rest of the country is barbecuing, we are thinking about what soup to make so we may keep warm.  So spending the weekend at home was not a bad thing.  It was nice to be cozy indoors.
I am trying to decide what I will stitch next after I finish this project.  I bought some really awesome Christmas ornament patterns earlier this year.  So I think I will start on some nice small projects.  I also bought some lovely hardanger patterns which I would like to stitch as well.  I have always been a fan of big projects but it will be nice to have some quicker finishes.
Have a happy week!