So I frog, again. Grrrr. So I go ahead, pull that out. I make sure before I start with the next thread, that it is indeed ivory. Check. I start stitching, pull out another ivory thread, so I can fully finish the entire row. I get to the last stitch of the row and see that I am one stitch off. I was supposed to start one over from the left. sigh. I pull out the entire row.
This leads me to start to debate my own sanity. I try to decide whether I should try one more time or let it go for the day. Stubborness got the best of me. I tarried onward and I am proud to say that after umpteen attempts and mishaps, I was able to move ahead and go on to finish the next three rows. Geez, Louise. I cross stitch to relax...
I just have one more part of the white row, then comes the row of red flowers at the bottom. Then, ta-da! I will be done. I may need a few days off after this one.
Have a happy Monday!
Well, you certainly have alot more patience than I do. I would have probably chucked the thing in the trash after the second do-over!
I know what you mean about "and I stitch to relax" :P When I am having a bad stitch day I just tell myself "a bad day stitching is better than a good day at work"!
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