Sunday, March 6, 2011

Sunday Serenity

I feel very blessed to live in one of the most beautiful places on this earth. I spend a lot of my free time walking and taking in the beauty and majesty of the coastline and mountains here. Originally, it started as a way to exercise Liesl, but turned into a true appreciation of what God has created and time to thank Him for it. As a result I say prayers or just talk to God when I walk. Right now I am faced with making a decision, so I asked God for a little sign that the direction that I am leaning towards is on the right track.

I must preface this by saying that it has been about 20 years since I have found an intact sand dollar here. Usually they are broken. Today when I asked for my little sign, I kept finding intact sand dollars, one after the other, which was pretty exciting. (In addition, I found what appears to be a fancy conch shell, too. I also found a large shell with mother of pearl.) While I thought at the time that the sand dollars were a pretty good sign, it was not until I broke one that I realized how profound the sign is. I was trying to clean one when I broke it. I was so upset. But it was not until I broke it when I remembered that each sand dollars contains five doves on the inside, which made me remember the Legend of the Sand Dollar and the association with God. I am a bit humbled when I think about it. I feel as though the direction that I was favoring is blessed now.

I really enjoyed my time on the beach today. It was getting ready to rain, the clouds were swirling and dark. The water was silver, and there was a certain peace that is always present right before it rains. I was walking with my beautiful little companion who was overflowing with joy and we had most of the beach to ourselves. It was a beautiful hour filled with peace and wonder.

May your week be blessed with peace and wonder, too.


Rain said...

Love your sand dollar story-my husband accidentally barely pressed his fingers on one of mine and felt so bad. He showed me and said he just didnt realize they were so fragile-I said its ok-there must be a reason and told him to look in the center! He was quite amazed and surprised to see the 5 doves~we decided it was a special sign for us also! Have a great day!

Patti said...

Thank you for sharing your story, too! It is really a cool feeling when you remember about the doves.

Thank you again!
