Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Getting Ready for the Three Day Weekend!

I am getting ready. I will be hunkering down this weekend. I live in a tourist destination so traffic gets pretty ugly here. Plus the weather should be beautiful, which really gets people out. I have been in two horrible car accidents which were caused by other people, both on holidays. One was this past Christmas, and the other about 20 years ago on Memorial Day. I will be pretty much staying home. Except for a barbecue at my daughter's house, which is 7 minutes away. (I know, I am really lucky to have her so close!)

So here is my plan: I plan on gardening, getting my tomatoes in the ground, and pulling weeds. Liesl will like hanging out in the yard with me! Tonight I went to the library and loaded up on books and magazines, and I have my stitching ready to go. All I need to do is go to the grocery store and get Cheetos and M&Ms to make it through the weekend. LOL I plan on sleeping in, napping, gardening, reading, stitching, cuddling my dog, and maybe doing a little baking. I am really excited. Other than going to the BBQ, I may not even put makeup on.

I need to look through my fabric this weekend as well. There is a little stool that I keep in my kitchen that was my son's from when he was about four years old. I have been thinking that it would look so cute covered in red gingham with a red rick rack accent. I think it would look very nostalgic and very cute in my red kitchen. (I am totally regretting not getting the red KitchenAid when I bought mine!)

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