Sunday, April 15, 2012

Such A Nice Day

Here is my work in progress.  That top section took way longer than I had planned.  It was not as much fun as other sections so I was not working really fast on it.  I was really happy to put the last stitch in that section.  It is beautiful.  Aww, crud.  Just now as I was looking at the photo I see that I missed a spot.  sigh...

Today was a lovely day.  The winds had totally died down. This afternoon I started to work on the backyard but ended up in the front yard.  I still had bedding plants in their containers so I wanted to get them in the ground before it was too late.  I also got my jasmine planted along with my red calla lily.  I had California poppies growing wildly that I transplanted to nicer places in the yard.  I love poppies and the orange pops in my color scheme of my garden.  I also moved some really pretty alyssum around.  My neighbor and I love to talk gardening, so I got to chat with him for a while.  His daughter came along and told me that my front yard looks so beautiful.  That made me feel really good.  It makes me feel like I am contributing to the neighborhood by making sure my front yard looks nice.  Pretty much everyone on my block works to keep their houses and yards looking nice.

Liesl and I worked it bit on our homework for her training class.  I am so surprised by how quickly she learned the hand signals.  She is so smart.  She gets so excited when she shes that we are going to work on her commands.  I love the fact the she enjoys it so much.  She is a pretty smart little dog.

I got to play a little on the internet this afternoon, too.  I found that Safeway has a pretty good web page with lots of stuff on it.  Sales, coupons, healthy living recipes, grocery lists that you can print out.  I was pretty impressed and vowed to use it more often.  I also found that they have home delivery in my area.  I don't like going to the grocery store, but even less so when I am super duper busy.  I am thinking that in really busy times of the year, like the holidays, this might be well worth it instead of fighting the crowds.  

The other thing that I did research on is worm bins for recycling kitchen scraps.  I found that they are actually pretty easy to make.  My coworker has a worm bin and offered to give me starter worms.  I am thinking that this is a project I will have to tackle soon.  Worm casings are really good for soil, too.  I learned alot and I am excited about getting started on it.  

Well, it has been a wonderful day.  I am off to say my prayers of thanks for it. 


Grit said...

Das sieht sehr, sehr schön aus. Ich liebe Blackwork und möchte auch gern davon einen Sampler machen.
Liebe Grüße Grit from Germany

Carole said...

Absolutely gorgeous!