Monday, July 12, 2010

Manic Monday!

It was another tremendously busy day today. I ended up working late again tonight, but was able to complete a couple of really important tasks, which made me feel good. This is a week of some pretty tight deadlines, but I feel like I have a good running start on all of them.

I have to laugh now, but it was maddening today that I had a miniature schnauzer that was not feeling it for Monday today. She wanted to go back to bed from the time we got up this morning. She was happy to see her puppy friends at work today, but really wanted to go back home and snuggle back into her blanket and be hand-fed cookies and have scratches behind the ears. LOL I think she enjoyed the domestic weekend a bit much.

Liesl and I were glad to be home tonight, particularly after such a long day. I made a good dinner (I LOVE the eggplant cutlets from Trader Joe's! Yum!) It was still lovely outside and I wish I would have thought to eat dinner outside. After I did eat, I went out and watered the yard. The light was still so pretty on the plants so I got to take some photos of the stars of my yard.

Pictured above is my 9 foot tall trumpet plant. I love the apricot color of the blossoms. Each blossom is almost a foot long and are so pretty. They have a gorgeous scent that makes me happy to smell.

This is my white trumpet plant. It is only about 4 feet tall and not as prolific, but still so pretty.

As I said in yesterday's post, I have plants that pop up in the yard. Here is a patch of lobelia that sprouted up in a shady plot of my yard. I love the vibrant color of lobelia.

There is a down side to plants popping up, too, I now have two large dandelions growing out of my rain gutters on the front of the house, which is not so visually appealing. sigh. It looks like this weekend, I will be getting out the ladder and cleaning out the gutters well in advance of the rainy season. I have never done this before, so I hope I do it right, once I get over the yuck factor. LOL This does not seem like as much fun.

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