Monday, August 2, 2010

Back To Work!

Today was my first day back at work after vacation. I was really excited about returning to work, and kind of tossed and turned last night thinking about all of the things that I had to get done. Now I am so tired that I plan on going to bed early tonight. I had a quick errand to run after work, but after that Liesl was so tired she came in, ate her dinner, and went to her puppy bed. She had a full day of seeing her puppy friends, catching up with her peeps, napping, eating cookies, etc.

It was a good day. I got a lot of work done and caught up on a lot of stuff. The mountain of mail was a little overwhelming at first, but I got through it and all is well. Yay!

I was asked today if I know how to do calligraphy, as it is needed on a small project at work. I have a great love of words in general. I especially love them as an art form so I taught myself several years ago. I think it has been at least 10 years since I last did any though. I found my pen and extracted the ink from the bottle and inked up my pen. It was fun to play with my pen again, and I was surprised to see that with just a little practice that I was not too rusty. This may mean a resurgence of my dabbling in calligraphy again. I am going to complete the actual project tomorrow when I am wide awake so that I make sure that everything is spelled correctly and looks pretty.

It is really hard to believe that it is already August and that autumn is in about six weeks. Altogether too soon the rainy season will be here. No more gardening then. I shall have to turn my attention to indoor endeavors and play with my stitching, quilting, reading, baking, quilling, card-making, calligraphy and snuggling my little Liesie. It will be here sooner than we think...

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