Thursday, September 8, 2011

Dinner Out With The Girls

What a fun evening, and a break from the packing. I had dinner with my best girlfriends tonight. Such impressive women with extraordinary careers,tremendous wisdom, and truly goofy senses of humor. It was nice to get together as a group. We started planning our next restaurant stop for our next dinner. I was getting hungry all over again listening to the international array of culinary options. I think I would go insane without my friends. These are truly the people you can call at 3 am. They are also the people who don't just ask what you need when you are sick, they tell you that they are getting in the car and on the way over to help. Extraordinary people. God blessed me, indeed.

I get to go into the new house tomorrow. My engineer friend is coming with me to do a walk through just to make sure that everything is as it should be and that there are no structural issues. I can not wait to step inside it, knowing that it will be my new home. I wonder if I will feel differently.

So this weekend, I will be packing and cleaning. I hope to do some stitching on my sampler, too. It is an integral part of my decor in my new living room. My new living room will be red. I love red. It makes me happy. My sampler is in red and will go perfectly with what I have in mind. Liesl will even have a little red bed for the living room. She has a bed in every room. She is spoiled like that.

Speaking of Liesl, that little dog cracks me up. Schnauzers have a very interesting and well developed sense of humor. They know that they are funny. When Liesl does something funny she will generally smile and look at me like I should get her joke. She thinks she is hilarious. She is also quite dramatic. This morning I was laughing out loud on our walk because if I am not walking at a speed that she thinks I should be going, she will do this exaggerated limp and skip with her left rear foot. It is very dramatic and her way of letting me know that her freedom is being hindered by a leash. She would not stop her skipping down this one long block. I think the harder I laughed at her the more pronounced her limp/skip became. She is something else.

On that note, I think I will go give her a kiss on her sweet fuzzy head and tuck her in under her blanket. Spoiled, I tell you...

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