Tuesday, August 24, 2010

104 degrees. That was how hot it was when I left my office for lunch today. After all of that cold weather last week, we now have weather that is so hot that you can barely sleep. I would not have been leaving at all, but Amazon has a handy-dandy little feature that text messages your phone as your package is being delivered. My textbook for my class had finally arrived at home, and I did not want it just sitting on my front steps so I dashed home to retrieve it. Now it is 9:30 at night, and is still burning up. I finally just put Liesl into a cool bath a few minutes ago because she had been walking around the house, panting, looking for a cool place to lie down. She gave me the "What, it's not even Saturday!" look in reference to the unexpected bath. But now she is lying down, looking a bit more comfortable.

I will say that I had a nice bit of coolness in the evening. I met my dear daughter as I usually do on Tuesdays for our seaside walk. We got down to our usual walking path and there was a delightful ocean breeze coming off the water. It was wonderful. We eventually found a bench in the shade and just sat down and talked. Liesl got to cool her tummy on a cool mound of dirt, and watched the water and aquatic birds. We were commenting on how happy she looked. We were happy, too, and got to catch up on all the news, since I was not able to meet her last week.

I have just a bit more to do on my tea cosy, but it is getting on my nerves, so I need to put it to the side for a while. Most of the pattern has been fun to stitch. But there are parts that are really confusing. Plus, on the main chart the specialty stitches are charted over two, but on another page the detail is charted over one. This makes sense, however, when you are looking at it, you have to flip back and forth for the total design and stitch to make sense. It seems like I have spent more time looking at the pattern and figuring it out, than actually stitching. This is a bit frustrating. Usually, I can figure out the mechanics of a specialty stitch somewhat quickly or find an online filmed tutorial (love those!) that make that part go easily. It has been the placement and reference points that have gotten all wonky from the page turning.

So now I am trying to decide if I should do a smaller design or a large basic project with no specialty stitches for a while. Plus I would really like to make some design updates to my blog. So much that I want to do and so little time...

1 comment:

mbroider said...

Hi there!!

I am a recent follower of yours:) and i absolutely love reading your blog...