Sunday, December 30, 2012

Blessed New Year!

A few minutes ago, I took Liesl out for the last time of the evening.  I know that I have had backyard visits by possum, racoon, and skunks.  Therefore, when it is dark and late I will always go out with her so that I know that she is safe.  

When I stepped outside, I was awestruck by the beauty of the night.  There is nearly a full moon and it is so bright, casting this beautiful milky light over the backyard.  The sky is totally clear and the stars are shining brilliantly in this beautiful dark blue sky.  The air is cold and crisp and actually felt good to breath in.  I looked down at my little Liesl, who was walking along the path in my yard with me. I thought about how much I love her and how she has been with me through the worst and best of times in the past five years.  I looked at my house that I love, that I bought only a year ago, and loved how the light from the inside just glowed so warmly.  Have you ever had one of those moments that just seems so perfect and beautiful?  This was it for me.

So now I am looking down at the end of the bed, where a very small dog, has defied the space continuum and has fully stretched out across most of the bed.  My feet are hanging off the side of the bed so as not to disturb her.  She looks luxuriously comfortable.  She never does this so I do not really mind the inconvenience.  I am happy to have her so close.  

I am very excited about the new beginnings in 2013.  I am looking forward to so many things and can feel the electricity of positive change.  I feel tremendous gratitude for my life.  I have big dreams and big plans and I can not wait to get started.

I wish each of you great prosperity, love, happiness and a lot of laughter in 2013!

1 comment:

Cindy said...

Happy New Year to you and Liesl!