Oh, my goodness, it absolutely stormed here earlier today. It was crazy raining. I woke up a bit late because I could not get to sleep last night. I felt really badly because I missed church this morning. Liesl was happy for the sleeping in though. When I got up she looked at me with one eye open like she hoped that I could keep any noise to a minimum so as not to disturb her beauty sleep.
Unfortunately, I had to go out and brave the storm. sigh. It would have been nice to stay warm at home, however, it would have meant starving. I do not like to grocery shop, but I had come to the point where I had slim pickins in the fridge. It was either go shopping or try to figure out how to make a soup out of the teaspoon of ketchup I had left. So I got dressed and headed out.
I figured the more the merrier for my trip into the elements. So I put Liesl in the car for the ride to the grocery store. She started making it known that she wanted to be wrapped up in her blanket. She has a bit of the flair for the dramatic. So I wrapped her up and drove off into the driving rain. I could not believe it could rain that hard. I was doubting the wisdom of my going out as I had the windshield wipers on top speed.
I came home from the grocery store absolutely drenched from loading the car. I am happy that I now have food stocked in the house. I usually go and shop for two to three weeks worth at once because to me, grocery shopping = no fun. I got right back into my jammies and decided to read a book in bed to try to warm up. Again, Liesl thought this was a splendid idea, so she went to bed, too. We both ended up taking a really good nap.
So it was not a very productive day. It was a nice, cozy day though. Plus I got lots of puppy kisses today. Liesl has become very smoochie lately, which is pretty nice. She is a pretty loving and sweet little dog, so it is really special when she gives kisses on top of it all. Love is awesome.
1 comment:
I feel the same way about grocery shopping! Aside from that though, sounds like my perfect kind of day!:)
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