Just a quick post tonight to say thank you for checking in on my blog. I really appreciate you making time in your day to visit!
I just would like to ask your patience with me for a couple of days. I am working on a massive project at work and I am putting in quite a few extra hours at my office to accomplish everything I need to get done. As a result, I have not had much time left when I get home to stitch or blog. I am hoping to be home at a reasonable hour in the next couple of days. In the meantime, it does feel really good to work really, really hard and to see the project come together.
Please know that I will be back in a couple of days, so please bear with me. Also, please know that Liesl is coming up with plenty of ongoing antics for me to write about. She is her usual silly self but wonders why we are leaving work when it is so dark at night. She sends tail wags and puppy kisses to you all!
Thank you again for your patience.
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