Monday, March 5, 2012

Dog Snores

I have had an overly tired schnauzer on my hands all day.  At about 3:45 am the neighbor's cockapoo "Skipper" who is an adorable dog was just barking and barking for about 15 minutes straight.  I just could not get back to sleep, and laid there until 4:30.  I gave up and got up and started the day.  I tucked Liesl back into bed but she was not going to miss anything that could possibly be fun.  So she got up, too.   We got to work at 7am.

The poor little thing was doing those long blinks all day while she was sitting up.  Somehow she could just not fall asleep.  Luckily, because I got to work so early, I was able to leave at 4 today.  I figured Liesl would be able to take a little nap but she caught her second wind.  She was busy tonight.  It is funny because she is like a toddler in that she will be rubbing her face with her paws when she is really sleepy and she will just go and go until she just drops.  She kept bringing me toys to wrestle with her or to throw.  If I got up to do something this evening, she was herding me by nipping at my heels.  She thinks this is hilarious. She finally laid down using one of her ducks as a pillow at 9pm.  She loves her ducks and has been carrying this particular one around the house this evening.  She is totally crashed out.
I can always tell when Liesl is super sleepy because she has the cutest little snores.  Her little eyebrows twitch and her ears kind of wiggle.  She is so darn cute.

Hopefully, tonight Skipper will not feel the need to bark in the wee small hours.  He is a pretty good little dog.  He was probably just protecting his daddy who just lost his sweet wife to a bad illness.  We feel so much sympathy, so we are being extra patient when this kind of thing happens and just say extra prayers for their family.  I can not imagine what they are going through.

So tonight, when I tuck Liesie in, I will give her extra hugs and kisses and say a little thank you for all of the joy that she brings.  I hope that she sleeps well and has happy puppy dreams.

1 comment:

Mad about Craft said...

I have a puppy (aged 4) that is exactly like a toddler and she snores, twitches and woofs when she is asleep.