Friday, May 13, 2011

Whoohoo! It's Friday!

It was a really good day today. I had two accounting puzzles that had been hanging over my head since last Friday. I solved both of them by 4pm, so I felt really good when I left work. I can concentrate on the important things in life this weekend, like spoiling Liesl in the style that she expects! LOL

Liesl has a vet appointment for her annual check up tomorrow. She has a truly wonderful vet that has taken good care of her since she was a scruffy four month old puppy. She will have to go through her tests and will probably be mad for a while afterwards. But after that we can come home and get our chores done and take a nap. It is supposed to be cloudy and cold tomorrow and then rainy on Sunday. So I have to get as much done as possible tomorrow, including painting my front gate. We ran our errands after work, so we are pretty much ready for the weekend. I even got two new lipsticks as a treat at Target. Always a great pick me up!

So I was listening to CNN news on my local classical station yesterday. There was a report that shows like Project Runway have caused a surge in sewing machine sales. Brother Sewing Machines indicated that they have seen a 22% increase in sales in the last quarter. They also made reference to some of the new features of the newer machines, like HD cameras mounted in the needle area so the user can watch on a screen on the machine. I believe that the sales increase are due in part to the fact that there is also a resurgence in quilting and making things for the home.

I also have heard that when the economy experiences a downturn, the sales of crafting items and supplies tend to increase. This is because people have to stay home more. So I have to wonder if the sewing machine is part of that increase. But I get excited that home arts are alive and well, and attracting new consumers for them. Sewing was one of those things that seemed like it was an art that was under threat of disappearing. Now it is on the upswing! This makes me excited for cross stitch, that it can too experience a resurgence.

Hope you have a happy weekend crafting!

1 comment:

Barb said...

I hope you are correct! I live near Seattle WA . There are no places in Seattle to buy cross stitch items. There is a small shop about 30 min. east that has some limited supplies. She carries a lot of needlepoint. My daughter and son-in-law sell a type of craft supply and the down turn has not hurt them at all. In fact, they have done better. That means your are probably correct!