Whoohoo! It is almost Friday! Granted, I have to work a special event on Saturday, but only for a few hours. A very nice person at work always brings donuts on Friday, which kind of makes the day celebratory. Since I am dieting, it is only once in a while that I actually have a donut, but it is the knowing that they are there...
I got down to stitching a little earlier tonight. This was in addition to the stitching I got to do at lunch so I was able to accomplish quite a bit. I only have three more words to go and the middle part of the blessing will be done, so I can move up to the top. I feel pretty confidently that if I stitch during the races this weekend, I should have the piece finished and ready for framing. I really love how it is turning out.
I really wish I had enough time to make a couple of necklaces this weekend. With my extra work responsibilities this weekend, I will need to focus more on taking care of the household chores. I can stitch during the races. Plus the stitching will be where I put my craft energy this weekend.
It is supposed to rain tomorrow. It is very late in the season, but we really need it. I am secretly hoping it rains like crazy tomorrow night as it will make it extra cozy for stitching. I would love to have a nice quiet and cozy kick off to the weekend.
Have a great Friday.